📄️ AdditionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the addition (n-ary operation)
📄️ AnticipateByExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the operation to anticipate a curve by a certain time
📄️ CompositionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the composition
📄️ ConcreteCurveExpression
Class describing an expression composed of a concrete curve
📄️ ConvolutionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the convolution (n-ary operation)
📄️ CurvePlaceholderExpression
Class describing a placeholder for any curve expression (used for equivalences)
📄️ DeconvolutionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the deconvolution
📄️ DelayByExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the operation delay a curve by a certain time
📄️ HorizontalDeviationExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the horizontal deviation between two curve expressions
📄️ IGenericBinaryExpression<T1, T2, TResult>
Interface with members and functions which allow to define a binary (neither commutative nor associative) expression,
📄️ IGenericExpression<T>
Interface which defines the rules each Nancy expression must follow.
📄️ IGenericUnaryExpression<T, TResult>
Interface with members and functions which allow to define a unary expression, i.e. an expression whose root node
📄️ InvertRationalExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the inversion of a rational number
📄️ LowerPseudoInverseExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the lower pseudo-inverse
📄️ MaxPlusConvolutionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the max-plus convolution (n-ary operation)
📄️ MaxPlusDeconvolutionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the max-plus deconvolution
📄️ MaximumExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the maximum (n-ary operation)
📄️ MinimumExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the minimum (n-ary operation)
📄️ NegateExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the negation
📄️ NegateRationalExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the negation of a rational number
📄️ RationalAdditionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the addition between rational numbers (n-ary operation)
📄️ RationalDivisionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the division between rational numbers
📄️ RationalGreatestCommonDivisorExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the g.c.d. between rational numbers (or expressions)
📄️ RationalLeastCommonMultipleExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the l.c.m. between rational numbers (or expressions)
📄️ RationalNumberExpression
Class describing an expression composed of a rational (Rational) number
📄️ RationalPlaceholderExpression
Class describing a placeholder for any rational expression (used for equivalences)
📄️ RationalProductExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the product between rational numbers (n-ary operation)
📄️ RationalSubtractionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the subtraction between rational numbers
📄️ ScaleExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the operation to scale a curve by a certain rational number
📄️ SubAdditiveClosureExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the sub-additive closure
📄️ SubtractionExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the subtraction
📄️ SuperAdditiveClosureExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the sub-additive closure
📄️ ToLeftContinuousExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the conversion of a curve to be left-continuous
📄️ ToLowerNonDecreasingExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the lower non-decreasing closure of a curve
📄️ ToNonNegativeExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the non-negative closure of a curve
📄️ ToRightContinuousExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the conversion of a curve to be right-continuous
📄️ ToUpperNonDecreasingExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the upper non-decreasing closure of a curve
📄️ UpperPseudoInverseExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the upper pseudo-inverse
📄️ VerticalDeviationExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the vertical deviation between two curve expressions
📄️ WithZeroOriginExpression
Class representing an expression whose root operation is the operation which enforces a curve to assume 0 at time 0.